Hitchhiking in Oman

Hitchhiking in Oman


Travel by hitchhiking in the Sultanate of Oman

Hitchhiking in Oman works like a charm. Waiting times are very short, and on the whole it’s very easy. However, the main roads are not always suitable. Most of the main roads are fast lanes with few shoulders to stand on. Above all, the cars drive very fast and sometimes stop dangerously. I’ve seen several accidents. Off the motorways, hitchhiking is extremely simple.

I remember a period of 2 days when all I did was walk without giving a thumbs up. A total of 6 drivers stopped at my level to help me get to my destination, sometimes taking long detours, so imagine when I was hitchhiking.


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Hitchhking in Oman

Hitchhiking is not unknown in Oman, as drivers who stop immediately understand the approach. What’s more, I’ve seen locals stop several times in places that are a little isolated or not very popular.

If you’re a travelling tourist, the Omani people will be delighted to see that you’re interested in their culture and promise you long discussions in the car and lots to learn. In fact, once they see that you know their country, there’s a good chance you’ll get an invitation for tea or a meal, or even an invitation to stay with a local.

Hitchhiking in this country is an excellent way to travel and immerse yourself in Omani culture. What’s more, it’s one of the easiest destinations in which I’ve been able to experience hitchhiking and, to be honest, it’s enjoyable because of the ease and good condition of the roads.

Wild camping and hitchhiking in Oman
© Tom – Spirit Travelers / ivouac and hitchhiking in the Sultanate of Oman: the right combo for a great trip

In addition, I did a lot of wild camping, as the country is full of wonderful places to sleep and enjoys a very stable situation, and therefore also a very good security situation, and this also applies to hitchhiking.


Watch my trip in Oman

Follow me on Instagram to see all the stages of my itinerary in Oman, a country I hitchhiked through entirely on my own. You’ll find my experiences in highlight stories.
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What is the sign for hitchhiking in Oman?

As the thumb is not used in this country, we will make a sign of slowing down with the palm facing the ground to hitch a ride in the Sultanate of Oman.

How to hitchhike

Discover our ultimate and complete guide to hitchhiking. You’ll find loads of relevant information to help you get picked up quickly and easily:

🔎 How to hitchhike

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Picture of Tom Spirit
Tom Spirit
Hey, it's Tom! Welcolme to Spirit Travelers. I'm a nomad traveler for several years and I share my experiences by publishing content and travel guides on this blog. Find some of the most popular countries to visit but also off the beaten track destinations.

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